Legend of Krystal Forums • View topic (2024)

Howdy internet people,

I've decided to put together a game called "Cuberty", at least until I can think of something more clever. It'll be like the game Infectonator (http://armorgames.com/play/5020/) except instead of spreading a zombie virus through a bunch of people milling around, you're cupid firing an arrow into a crowd of people, trying to turn the whole place into an orgy via chain reaction.

Bare-bones non-functional demo (See update below, this is as good as it's getting indefinitely)

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LZ.swf [ 827.14 KiB | Viewed 16077 times ]

Basic Gameplay
As Cupid, you will survey a human settlement from above, arrow ready. You will fire a straight arrow, and anyone hit by it will have their prudence (a stat each person will have) dropped straight to zero, causing themto go on the prowl for someone to fuck (they'll have a stamina that gradually drops, and they collapse when it hits zero). The non-affected will be horrified, but the sensual displays by the prowlers will cause their prudence to drop as they flee. If it goes to zero and they get tagged by a prowler, sex happens, and there's a chance that once they're both down they'll both go on the prowl. Potentially this will cascade, and everyone in the entire building will end up having sex with each other. World peace achieved.

Beyond that the levels will be designed for replayability--causing some mayhem on a level will make it easier to cause when you replay said level. New areas will be unlocked and people and objects in the level may be modified.

The current level (and potentially only one that I'll finish) is St. Mary's School for Girl's Above the Age of Consent. But I've thought of some other fun places like:
- office building
- the mall
- movie set
- a cathedral (sorry, I kind of get off on blasphemy)
And as long as we're being creative, you could also do:
- the white house
- comic-con
- the royal court of Louis the XIV
- Casablanca

I have some time and I thought it'd be a fun project to polish my art and programming skills. This is just the announcement. I should post something playable next Friday. I managed to keep my Tuesday deadline. We'll see.

- added Nun and Schoolgirl standing pictures. Feedback is appreciated. I'm an amateur artist and I don't really know how to draw fabric well (see schoolgirl shirt.) I might also end up making the skirt plaid. It's traditional. I might also add shading. Not sure.

- Oh dear. Got bored. I'm dumping what I'd put together of the demo here but it's not really playable. The screen will move if you move your mouse to the sides and you can see all the characters standing still in weird looking rooms. I might pick this up again at some future date, but that's my prerogative. I owe you know nothing, you murdering son of a bitch. They'll find you!

Next Update on Saturday 10/23/13 Potentially monk, playable demo, at least 1 sex animation. Delayed a day!

I'm going back and forth about how to make the monk look (attractive or old). Does anyone who's attracted to men have a preference? I'm curious to hear it.

Legend of Krystal Forums • View topic (2024)


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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.